was created many years ago as sort of a catch-all Web site. It was used to provide donated server space for local community organizations to host small amounts of content. The idea, at the time, was to use a quirky, easy to remember name that could be used for posting a variety of family friendly content; something that would catch one’s attention and instill some curiosity — what was that goofy name again?
This domain name has served as a repository for information about the Hereford High School PTSA Post Prom Party, a way to distribute photos of the Youth Theater of Northern Baltimore County cast & crew, as a beta development and design testing site for clients of my Web development company (gs design, inc.), and as a place for our own children to post school computer projects.
As the World Wide Web has matured over time, so too have the people and organizations who once benefited from this site. Some have since developed their own sites, some are using social networking sites to share content, and our children have grown up. So, it is time to re-purpose this site and begin something new… maybe even earning a few dollars to pay for college;-)